is the official website of SUGRUHA, the South City Group Housing Apartment Owners' Association!

Residents and visitors can find useful information about the South City community, including: member notifications, latest updates, meeting minutes, policies, social events, links to useful resources, and much more. The website provides comprehensive information

about all that is happening in the community. The association constantly updates information on this website to keep the South City community informed about the association's work and progress of the community as a whole.

The website is easiest way to access the latest information about the community. The website provides registered users a platform to discuss issues, exchange information, participate in community events, and get involved to improve our community. We urge everyone to constantly visit this website and get the latest on the community.

SUGRUHA is very excited to have this website as a great communication tool between the association and the residents of South City. Please do check the website often and stay informed about the community! Feel free to approach the association to address any community related issues.

Hope this website provides all the information you need. We are constantly working to improve this website. Your suggestions/feedback are very valuable to us - please do share your views with us.

Thanks for visiting!

[This website is maintained by SUGRUHA]